Few days ago, I wrote about the Singapore's Badge of the Certificate of Honour, coincidentally, this medal was recently sold by UK medal dealer - Aberdeen Medals. The full description of the medal and recipient is reproduced below:
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Certificate of Honour 'Federated Malay States'. GV issue |
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Obverse |
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Reverse |
The recipient was decorated with his award on June 1932
Note: The
award is officially engraved with the recipient details, and the badge fitted
with a full-length neck cravat riband, of the type specificed for non-african
in 1926, the Badges of the Certificate of Honour - that conferred with it the
use of the post nominal title M.C.H. - were awarded non-Europeans only who had
resided in the Federated Malay States for at least 15 years. A maximum of only
six awards could be made in any one year - and the allocation was not always
utilised. All awards were published in the annual King's Birthday Honours List
for the Federated Malay States, and on the death of the recipient the insignia
was returnable to the issuing authority. There are numerous mentions /
references to 'Pat De Zilwa' in the local FMS and Straits Settlements english
speaking newspapers of the inter-war years. The below following biography on the
recipient was published in The Straits Times edition of 2 July, 1935;
Fine Record
of Service
Mr Pat Zilwa Retires
30 Years With Bank
(From our own
Kuala Lumpur, June 28.
Tomorrow sees the conclusion of Mr Pat
Zilwa's long and honourable service with the Chartered Bank in Kuala Lumpur.
For over twenty-six years has he been on the bank's staff in the Federal
Capital, rising to the position of Chief Clerk, and his earlier service in
Colombo makes a total of over thirty years. Now he is retiring - and, with
characteristic energy, starting a business of his own. A notable feature of his
life here has been his enthusiasm for public work, usually in capacities
calling for great organising ability, and much sacrifice of time. It has been
rewarded by his appointment as a Justice of the Peace and the confernment upon
him of the Malayan Certificate of Honour. As indicating its extent, a summary
of his services may be given.
War Work.
Though a
Ceylonese himself, at the outbreak of the Great War he organised the Indian
Relief War Fund in Selangor, being the hon. secretary. A sum of nearly a
hundred thousand rupees was raised, and remitted to the Viceroy for the
assistance of wounded Indian soldiers and their dependents. He also assembled a
body of men locally and offered it for the purpose of local defence, a service
which earned him an official expression of thanks from the Government. Since
then he has been actively associated with such events as "Our Day"
celebrations, the Peace celebrations, the entertainment of the crew of H.M.S.
Malaya, and the visits of the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Gloucester.
has been on the Poppy Day Committee since its inception, and has organized
bazaars, fetes, football matches, boxing tournaments and other events in aid of
various charities.
He has also been mainly responsible for the arrangements
for a number of public functions, such as receptions or farewells to High
Commissioners, Chief Secretaries, and other prominent personages.
the disastrous inundations of December, 1926, he was hon. secretary of and a
tremendous worker for the Malayan Flood Relief Fund, for which over $400,000
was collected - and incidentally I learn that here remains a balance in hand
for which suitable use may soon be found.
Here are a
few of his honorary appointments;
Justice of the Prisons, Assessor of the Supreme Court, trustee of The Chartered
Bank (F.M.S.) Provident Fund, chairman of the F.M.S. Benevlopment Association,
president of the Selangor Recreation Club, vice-president of the Selangor Boy
Scouts' Association, hon. treasurer of the Kuala Lumpur Jubilee Fund, hon.
secretary of the Malayan Flood Relief Fund, member of the St. Mary's Church
Committee, member of the executive committees of the Selangor Asiatic
Unemployment Fund, the King George V Memorial Jubilee Fund, the Malayan
Agri-Horticultural Association and the Selangor Poppy Day Fund, member of the
committee of the Selangor Boxing Association, hon. steward of the Selangor Turf
Club, and member of the Community Service Committee of the Kuala Lumpur Rotary
Respected By
Among other
offices which he has held in the past may be mentioned those of Chairman of the
Mercantile Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd, vice-president of the
Mutual Provident Fund, hon. treasurer of the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club, hon.
treasuer of the St. Mary's School, hon. secretary of the F.M.S. Benefit
Society, hon. secretary and treasurer of the Selangor Boxing Association, and
hon, secretary of the Indian War Relef Fund.
Such a record is immensely
creditable, and rivalled by few public men. Mr. Zilwa has by his great and
capable service earned the true respect of all communities in Kuala
An extremely
rare item of colonial insignia, and of considerable Malaysian interest.
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